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Biweda Nguni B&B


4.2/ 5

Based on 14 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Morné D
Short stay On business
Feb 2024

Excellent. Stay was excellent. Shaun and staff professional and excellent customer service. Will definitely recommend.

Value for money
Biweda Nguni B&B

Good day Morné, I trust you are doing well. Thank you so much for taking the time to post this amazing review. We are exceptionally thrilled that the team ensured your stay with us was professional, relaxing and memorable. On behalf of all of us, we are looking forward to hosting you again and until we next meet, all the best and take care. Warmest regards Your Biweda Nguni Lodge family

Goeie dag Morné, Ek vertrou dit gaan goed met jou. Baie dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om hierdie wonderlike resensie te plaas. Ons is besonder opgewonde dat die span verseker het dat jou verblyf by ons professioneel, ontspannend en onvergeetlik was. Namens ons almal sien ons daarna uit om julle weer te huisves en tot ons volgende ontmoet, alles van die beste en sorg. Hartlike groete Jou Biweda Nguni Lodge familie

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Hennie D
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2023

Management and staff very helpful and friendly. Would definitely recommend stay. Perfect overnight stop on the way to Mozambique. Would have loved to stay longer.

Bestuur en personeel baie hulpvaardig en vriendelik. Sal verblyf beslis aanbeveel. Perfekte oornag oppad na Mosambiek. Sou graag langer wou oorbly.

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Value for money
Biweda Nguni B&B

Good day Hennie, Compliments of the season, and may 2024 be a wonderful year for you. Thank you so much for your amazing review. We are extremely thrilled that the team ensured your short stay with us was relaxing and memorable. We are truly looking forward to welcoming you back. All the best and take care. Warmest regards, Your Biweda Nguni Lodge Family.

Goeie dag Hennie, Komplimente van die seisoen, en mag 2024 vir jou 'n wonderlike jaar wees. Baie dankie vir jou wonderlike resensie. Ons is baie opgewonde dat die span verseker het dat jou kort verblyf by ons ontspannend en onvergeetlik was. Ons sien opreg daarna uit om jou terug te verwelkom. Alles van die beste en pas op. Hartlike groete, Jou Biweda Nguni Lodge Familie.

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Craig M
Short stay With partner
Jan 2023

A wonderful memorable stay. A well-run B&B, from the management to the ground staff. Lovely breakfasts, beautiful clean swimming pool. Tranquil garden to sit under the trees and read a book. Sean is a well-informed host. The rooms are cleaned daily.

Value for money
Biweda Nguni B&B

Good day Craig, Thank you so much for posting this amazing 5-star review. We are extremely pleased that you had a tranquil, lovely and enjoyable stay, and that our team went out of their way to ensure you had a memorable time at our little piece of paradise. Hope to welcome you back soon and until then all the best and take care. Warmest Regards, Your Biweda Nguni Lodge Family

Goeie dag Craig, Baie dankie dat jy hierdie wonderlike 5-ster-resensie geplaas het. Ons is baie bly dat jy 'n rustige, heerlike en genotvolle verblyf gehad het, en dat ons span uit hul pad gegaan het om te verseker dat jy 'n onvergeetlike tyd by ons klein stukkie paradys gehad het. Hoop om jou binnekort terug te verwelkom en tot dan alles van die beste en pas op. Hartlike groete, Jou Biweda Nguni Lodge Familie

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Delina V
1 night stay With friends
Jul 2024

Very nice stay. Very nice stay, breakfast was good and the staff very friendly.

Baie lekker gebly. Baie lekker gebly, ontbyt was goed en die personeel baie vriendelik.

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Value for money

Emily E
1 night stay Individual traveller
Feb 2024

Kind. Host was very helpful and friendly. The extras in the residence - coffee etc. was very skimpy - what about tea bags. The location is not ideal, but security is good.

Gaaf. Gasheer was baie behulpsaam en vriendelik. Die ekstras in die woonplek - koffie ens. was baie skraps - wat van teesakkies. Die ligging is nie ideaal nie, maar sekuriteit goed.

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Value for money
Biweda Nguni B&B

Good day Emily, Thank you for taking the time to post your honest and valued feedback. We are extremely pleased that the team ensured that your stay with us was relaxing, helpful, and friendly. Regarding the coffee station amenities, we do offer enough for one person; however, should you have required more, we would have gladly provided you with additional sachets. You left behind a book. Please kindly contact us so that we can arrange returning the item. All the best and take care. Warmest Regards Biweda Nguni Lodge

Goeie dag Emily, Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om jou eerlike en gewaardeerde terugvoer te plaas. Ons is baie bly dat die span verseker het dat jou verblyf by ons ontspannend, behulpsaam en vriendelik was. Wat die koffiestasiegeriewe betref, bied ons wel genoeg vir een persoon; sou u egter meer benodig het, sou ons u graag van bykomende sakkies voorsien het. Jy het 'n boek agtergelaat. Kontak ons asseblief sodat ons kan reël dat die item terugbesorg word. Alles van die beste en pas op. Hartlike groete Biweda Nguni Lodge

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Carine L
1 night stay With partner
Jan 2024

Big disappointment. Waste of money on a grand scale. Absolutely a waste of money. No no no. Weakest place ever.

Groot teleurstelling. Geldmors op groot skaal. Absoluut 'n geldmors. Nee nee nee. Swakste plek nog ooit.

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Value for money
Biweda Nguni B&B

Good day Carine, Thank you for your review. We are extremely concerned that your stay with us on New Year's Eve did not meet your high expectations. As we are known for our excellent hospitality, value for money, comfort, and service, your dissatisfaction surprises us. We acknowledge that being the last day of the year, it was expected that most of our guests would enjoy the old-years party until the early hours of the morning, so we do apologise for the noise. The team was happy to assist you with an early check-in as you arrived around 10:30. Even though we were fully booked the previous day, we managed to secure your room by 12:00. We gave you a personalised introduction and showed you to your room, explaining what could be done in the area, shopping places, etc. During your entire stay, neither you nor your companion brought any concerns to our attention so that we could have rectified or assisted. We wish you both all the best for 2024 and take care. Kind Regards, Biweda Nguni Lodge

Goeie dag Carine, Dankie vir jou resensie. Ons is uiters bekommerd dat jou verblyf by ons op Oujaarsaand nie aan jou hoë verwagtinge voldoen het nie. Aangesien ons bekend is vir ons uitstekende gasvryheid, waarde vir geld, gerief en diens, verras jou ontevredenheid ons. Ons erken dat, aangesien die laaste dag van die jaar, verwag is dat die meeste van ons gaste die oujaarspartytjie tot in die vroeë oggendure sou geniet, so ons vra om verskoning vir die geraas. Die span was bly om jou te help met 'n vroeë inklok aangesien jy omstreeks 10:30 aangekom het. Al was ons die vorige dag vol bespreek, het ons daarin geslaag om jou kamer teen 12:00 te beveilig. Ons het vir jou 'n persoonlike inleiding gegee en jou na jou kamer gewys, verduidelik wat gedoen kan word in die area, inkopieplekke, ens. Gedurende jou hele verblyf het nie jy of jou metgesel enige bekommernisse onder ons aandag gebring sodat ons kon regstel of gehelp het nie. Ons wens julle albei alle voorspoed toe vir 2024 en sorg. Vriendelike groete, Biweda Nguni Lodge

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Frans W
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Jul 2023

Centrally located, but very basic accommodation. We chose Biweda Nguni based on their location and nice photos. The staff are very friendly and helpful, but the apartment was disappointingly tired and poorly maintained. The facilities are very basic and hardly suitable for anything more than an overnight stop. There was no wifi and very few TV channels available.

Sentraal geleë, maar baie basiese verblyf. Ons het Biweda Nguni gekies op grond van hul ligging en mooi foto's. Die personeel is baie vriendelik en behulpsaam, maar die woonstel was teleurstellend afgeleef en swak onderhou. Die geriewe is baie basies en beswaarlik geskik vir enigiets meer as 'n oornagstop. Daar was geen wifi en bitter min TV-kanale beskikbaar.

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Value for money
Biweda Nguni B&B

Good day Frans, Thank you so much for taking the time to post your honest and constructive review. Firstly, we are extremely pleased that the team were very friendly and helpful. Regarding your unit, we are in the process of doing major upgrades in the coming weeks, but apologies that we did not meet your expectations. The entire area has been having major issues with Wi-Fi connectivity and therefore we have decided to source for other reliable service providers. Our satellite channels are based on the hotel bouquet that is provided by DSTV, and unfortunately there are no other options to extend the selection. Thank you again, wishing you and the family all the best and take care. Warmest Regards Your Biweda Nguni Lodge Family

Goeie dag Frans, Baie dankie dat u die tyd geneem het om u eerlike en konstruktiewe resensie te plaas. Eerstens is ons baie bly dat die span baie vriendelik en behulpsaam was. Wat u eenheid betref, ons is besig om groot opgraderings in die komende weke te doen, maar ons vra om verskoning dat ons nie aan u verwagtinge voldoen het nie. Die hele gebied het groot probleme met Wi-Fi-konneksie en daarom het ons besluit om ander betroubare diensverskaffers te kry. Ons satellietkanale is gebaseer op die hotelboeket wat deur DSTV verskaf word, en daar is ongelukkig geen ander opsies om die keuse uit te brei nie. Weereens baie dankie, wens jou en die familie alle sterkte toe en pas op. Hartlike groete Jou Biweda Nguni Lodge Familie

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Barry M
1 night stay On business
Mar 2022

Excellent food, nice place to stay and well priced. Clean and awesome meals privided.

Value for money
Biweda Nguni B&B

Good day Barry, Thank you for choosing our establishment as your preferred overnight destination and we are extremely pleased that you had an awesome and relaxing stay. Looking forward to seeing you again and until then all the best and take care. Warmest and kind regards Your Biweda Nguni Lodge Family

Goeie dag Barry, Dankie dat jy ons instansie as jou voorkeur oornagbestemming gekies het en ons is baie bly dat jy 'n wonderlike en ontspannende verblyf gehad het. Sien uit om julle weer te sien en tot dan alles van die beste en pas op. Hartlike en vriendelike groete Jou Biweda Nguni Lodge Familie

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Liezel M
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Jul 2022

Great stopover en route to southern Mozambique. Very spacious rooms, great garden area, accomodating hosts.

Value for money
Biweda Nguni B&B

Afternoon Liezel, I hope all is well Thank you for taking the time to post to post this wonderful review On behalf of the team we thank you for choosing our little piece of paradise and we are extremely pleased that you had an enjoyable and relaxing stay We also hope that you and the family had a memorable time in Mozambique. Looking forward to seeing you all again and until then all the best and take care Warmest Regards Your Biweda Nguni Lodge Family

Middag Liezel, Ek hoop dat alles goed gaan Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om te plaas om hierdie wonderlike resensie te plaas Namens die span bedank ons u dat u ons klein stukkie paradys gekies het en ons is baie bly dat u 'n aangename en ontspannende verblyf gehad het Ons hoop ook dat jy en die gesin 'n onvergeetlike tyd in Mosambiek gehad het. Sien uit om julle almal weer te sien en tot dan alles van die beste en pas op Hartlike groete Jou Biweda Nguni Lodge Familie

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Ben A
1 night stay On business
Jun 2022

Clean. Friendly staff. Nice quiet room. The owner Shaun was very nice, he even took my breakfast order and told me a bit about the history of the B&B. I will definitely stay there again anytime.

Value for money
Biweda Nguni B&B

Good day Ben A, I hope you are well Thank you so much for taking the time to post your stay at our little piece of paradise and we are extremely pleased that you had a wonderful time. Looking forward to seeing you again, and until then all the best and take care Warmest Regards The Biweda Nguni Lodge Team

Goeie dag Ben A, ek hoop dit gaan goed met jou Baie dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om jou verblyf by ons klein stukkie paradys te plaas en ons is baie bly dat jy 'n wonderlike tyd gehad het. Sien uit om jou weer te sien, en tot dan alles van die beste en pas op Hartlike groete Die Biweda Nguni Lodge-span

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Danica Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 14

On LekkeSlaap 5 years

From R1 410
R1 410 R1 199
per night, for 2 ppl
From R1 410
R1 410 R1 199
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 34 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 15 Kingfisher Avenue, Mkuze, 3965, KwaZulu-Natal
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAc24c48152e81cb97e66383eab47608742d4115f24c53dc04eb3a8a476ffab99436b50db4a76022d59a1708ac50560e2f1057?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R1 410 nowFrom R1 199 per night, for 2 ppl 14 5 1 5 15 Kingfisher Avenue Mkuze 3965 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -27.615626704791 32.040457691185

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