Shark Bookings
Great White Shark Cage Diving takes place in Kleinbaai harbour which is a small suburb of Gansbaai. This is the best place in the world to dive with the Great White Sharks. The peak season is from April - September and then mid seasons are October - January and April with low season February & March. We still see Great White Sharks all year round but the difference between the season is where the sharks are.
In the summer months the sharks move to the beach areas where the water visibility is lower. The water temperature is generally much colder in the summer as the Atlantic ocean dominates the coastline. When the water is colder the sharks tend to be less active and when it is really cold then they may even loose interest in feeding or spending any energy chasing the bait from the boats. In Winter the sharks are by Dyer Island and Shark Alley and in these months (April - September) the sharks are hunting seals at the Island. The water visibility is generally much better and water warmer because the weather patterns push the Indian ocean closer to the coast. As the water is generally warmer (approx 16c) the sharks are more active around the boats and cages.
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