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Gordon's Guest House

Guest House

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Gordon Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 5

On LekkeSlaap 5 years

Review Summary

3.2 out of 5from 5 reviews for Gordon's Guest House
Value for money
Estelani S - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Estelani S
With friends

In die dag as ons daar is okay maar in die aand 'n riller.

Ek was regtig teleurgesteld. Die kamer was bietjie klein en onder die bed was kakerlakke, maar my groot probleem was dat die krag 'n sekere tyd afslaan en dan eers die volgende oggend om 6:00 aanslaan. Dit was 'n hittegolf en ons kon nie eens die lugverkoeler gebruik nie, ons fone herlaai of ons water vir die volgende dag se sport koud maak nie. Die ontbyt moet jy iewers in die hoofstraat gaan eet waar parkering 'n probleem is. Dus het ek daai geld in die water gegooi. Sal beslis nie weer daar gaan bly nie ook nie aangebeel nie.

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In the day when we are there it is okay but in the evening a thriller.

I was really disappointed. The room was a bit small and there were cockroaches under the bed, but my big problem was that the power cuts off at a certain time and then only comes on the next morning at 6:00. It was a heat wave and we couldn't even use the air conditioner, recharge our phones or chill our water for the next day's sport. You have to eat breakfast somewhere on the main street where parking is a problem. So I threw that money into the water. Definitely won't stay there again nor imagine.

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Phoebe W - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Phoebe W
With spouse/partner

Vir die geld was dit nie wat ons gekry het nie.

Parkering is nie baie gerieflik nie. Daar is nie plek om te draai nie. Jy moet agteruit ry tot jy by 'n plek kom waar jy kan draai. Daar was geen melk of suiker in die kamper nie. In die kamer was goed gepak asof dit 'n stoorplek is. Daar was ook goed in die badkamer, stofsuier, ou gholf sak, battery en kussing tussen die bad en die speel. Buite ons kamer was 'n visdam met 'n pomp wat baie hard en steurend was. Dit was glad nie waarde vir geld nie.

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For the money it was not what we got.

Parking is not very convenient. There is no room to turn. You have to reverse until you get to a place where you can turn. There was no milk or sugar in the camper. In the room things were packed as if it were a storage place. There were also things in the bathroom, vacuum cleaner, old golf bag, battery and pillow between the bath and the play. Outside our room was a fish pond with a pump that was very loud and disturbing. It was not value for money at all.

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Suet M - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Value for money
Suet M
With friends

Nie wat in die advertensie voorgegee word nie.

En suite-badkamer nie en suite nie. Op advertensie is daar 'n sitkamer, eetkamer en balkon en omdat jy dit sien verwag jy dis deel van pakket. Net een kamer met badkamer en klein buitetuin. 1 uur die oggend het eienaar geslote deur van buite oopgeruk en toe ek skree het hy gesê hy het gedink ons het 'n probleem. Klop mens dan nie gewoonlik en vra deur deur. Ons was 2 vrouens en het so onveilig gevoel dat ek nie die volgende aand, waarvoor ek betaal het, gebly het nie, maar daai oggend na die insident het my dogter ons by 'n hotel ingeboek. Die bed en breakfast word ook nie daar bedien nie, mens moet 'n blok en 'n half af loop na ander personeel om ontbyt te eet. Wanneer jy stort loop water by deur uit in gang af.

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Not what the ad claims.

En suite bathroom not en suite. On advertisement there is a living room, dining room and balcony and because you see it you expect it to be part of package. Just one room with bathroom and small outdoor garden. 1 o'clock in the morning owner yanked open locked door from outside and when I yelled he said he thought we had a problem. Then you don't usually knock and ask door to door. We were 2 women and felt so unsafe that I didn't stay the next night, which I paid for, but that morning after the incident my daughter booked us into a hotel. The bed and breakfast is not served there either, one has to walk a block and a half down to other staff to eat breakfast. When you take a shower, water runs out the door into the hallway.

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Junitta J - Nov 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
Junitta J
Individual traveler

Dit was eenvoudig net baie gemaklik. Die area is veilig en ek sal enige persoon aanbeveel.

Ek het baie veilig gevoel. Almal was baie behulpsaam en geen steurnis. Jy't jou eie privaatheid. Dit was ideaal en goed gewees.

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It was simply just very comfortable. The area is safe and I would recommend to anyone.

I felt very safe. Everyone was very helpful and no disturbance. You're your own privacy. It had been ideal and good.

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Gordon's Guest House 's response

Thank you so much again Junitta for your booking, hope to see you soon!
Kind regards,

Gordon's Guest House
Raylentia S - Oct 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
Raylentia S
With friends

Comfortable, close to city centre and other places.

Lovely house, we stayed in a nice room with all the necessities. Gordon was very helpful and we enjoyed staying there.

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R1 400
per night (sleeps 2)
From R1 400
per night (sleeps 2)
R1 400
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 2 people
  • No children under 4
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 25 Highfield street, De Waterkant, Cape Town, 8001, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiOwGPJAoiQ9UlBIyafAxLYtqUt7iaH61YymZn1kvwgeYYcytUv?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 400 per night (sleeps 2) 5 5 1 4 25 Highfield street De Waterkant 8001 Western Cape 021 201 8901 15:00-19:00 10:00 -33.912385564858 18.415036705523
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