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Alexander Theatre

36 Stiemens St, Braamfontein, Joburg, Gauteng
Contact Details Email Visit Website +27 (0)11 403 0413


The Alexander Theatre, also known as "The Alex", is a multi-dimensional venue located in Braamfontein, Johannesburg. Although smaller in size than its nearby and more well-known counterparts, the Market Theatre and Joburg Theatre Complex, the Alexander Theatre has hosted a wide range of productions, concerts, parties, and award ceremonies that make it well worth a visit.

The 536-seater theatre first opened its doors in 1951 and was named after the founder of the Johannesburg Repertory Players, Muriel Alexander. However, during the 1990s, the theatre hit a low due to rising crime and urban decay and it eventually closed its doors in 1997. The building remained abandoned for close to a decade until property entrepreneur, Adam Levy, bought it in 2006 and restored it as part of the Johannesburg inner-city renewal project. The Alexander Theatre proudly reopened its doors in 2007 and has since provided much entertainment to the Braamfontein residents.


• Basement bar • Hospitality room • Rooftop with views of the city • 536-seater auditorium • Foyer


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