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Dolphin Beach, Tableview

Table View, Cape Town, Western Cape


Dolphin Beach is a white stretch of sand situated in Table View, Cape Town. It can usually be spotted from a fair distance away by the colourful kites sailing through the air. There is a parking area located right next to the beach where you can park and walk over a small sand dune and be afforded wonderful views of Table Mountain and Robben Island. The beach continues along the coast to meet with Blouberg Beach, a busier section of beach with restaurants and shops along the coastal road. Dolphin Beach is an exposed beach so it is best visited on calm days, but it is popular among kitesurfers who use the wind to their advantage. Please note that there are no facilities or lifeguards on duty here.


Nearby Attractions

Bayside Mall
Bayside Mall

1 km away - Bloubergstrand

Tableview Shopping Centre
Tableview Shopping Centre

1 km away - Bloubergstrand


2 km away - Cape Town

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