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The Brightwater Commons

Republic Rd, Randburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng
Contact Details Email Visit Website +27 (0)11 789 5052


The Brightwater Commons is a wonderful open air retail and leisure centre in Randburg, Johannesburg. Built around a stunning central grassy area, equipped with musical fountains, paved pathways, and a kiddie’s jungle gym, The Brightwater Commons incorporates a variety of shops, restaurants, permanent flea market stalls, and entertainment centres in a truly beautiful location.

Shops include Ackermans, AMC Cookware, Babylon Again, Bag City, Brightwater Locksmith, Clicks, Crazy Store, Décor Stuff, Identity, Mr Price, Musica, Pick n Pay, Sheet Street, Sorbet Nails, and Woolworths, to name just a few.

At Brightwater, shopping isn’t the only attraction. Entertainment options include Adventure Golf, Battle Zone, The Betting Lounge, Boogaloos Skate Park, and Let’s Go Bowling. If you’ve worked up an appetite, take your pick of restaurants and fast food outlets such as Café Galini, The Fish & Chips Co, Food Works, Hombaze African Cuisine, McGinty’s Irish Pub, Mimmos, Ocean Basket, Scrooge Diner, Spur, and Wimpy.

Other features at the centre include medical services, hair salons, banks, dry cleaners, interior designers, a pet shop, flea market, spa, post office, and Virgin Active gym. Parking is free.


Nearby Attractions

Boogaloos Skate Park, Brightwater Commons
Boogaloos Skate Park, Brightwater Commons

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Laser Battle Zone, Randburg
Laser Battle Zone, Randburg

563 m away - Randburg

ADVENTURE GOLF – Brightwater Commons
ADVENTURE GOLF – Brightwater Commons

568 m away - Randburg

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