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University Of Johannesburg

Auckland Park, Johannesburg
Contact Details Visit Website +27115594555


The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is a public university in Johannesburg. The university was formed by a merge between the Rand Afrikaans University, the Technikon Witwatersrand, and the Soweto and East Rand campuses of Vista University - making it one of the largest comprehensive contact universities in South Africa.

The university has 9 faculties and around 48,000 students spread out over 4 different campuses. It is one of the largest residential universities in South Africa. With the integration of the merged institutions, UJ has managed to bridge the divide between races in South Africa and is a perfect example of the rainbow nation.

Campuses include Kingsway Campus Auckland Park, Bunting Road Campus Auckland Park, Doornfontein Campus, and Soweto Campus. Facilities include lecture rooms, micro-laboratories, libraries, sports facilities, auditoriums, halls, galleries, and conference venues. There are also student shopping centres, restaurants, cafeterias, health clinics, a student newspaper, and courtrooms.

  • Art, design and architecture
  • Economic and financial science
  • Education
  • Engineering and the Built Environment
  • Health sciences
  • Humanities
  • Law
  • Management
  • Science


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Helen Joseph Hospital
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Auckland Park Preparatory School
Auckland Park Preparatory School

867 m away - Melville

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